Cognitive problems, such as memory loss, speech and language
impairment, and reasoning difficulties, occur frequently among older
adults and often precede the onset of dementia syndromes. Due to the
high prevalence of dementia worldwide, research into cognitive
impairment for the purposes of dementia prevention and early detection
has become a priority in healthcare. There is a need for
cost-effective and scalable methods for assessment of cognition and
detection of impairment, from its most subtle forms to severe
manifestations of dementia. Speech is an easily collectable
behavioural signal which reflects cognitive function, and therefore
could potentially serve as a digital biomarker of cognitive function,
presenting a unique opportunity for application of speech technology.
While most studies to date have focused on English speech data, the
TAUKADIAL Challenge aims to explore speech as a marker of cognition in
a global health context, providing data from two major languages,
namely, Chinese and English. The TAUKADIAL Challenge's tasks will
focus on prediction of cognitive test scores and diagnosis of mild
cognitive impairment (MCI) in older speakers of Chinese and English,
using samples of connected speech. We expect that approaches that are
language independent will be favoured. This INTERSPEECH Challenge will
bring together members of the speech, signal processing, machine
learning, natural language processing and biomedical research
communities, enabling them to test existing methods or develop novel
approaches on a new shared standardised dataset which will remain
available to the community for future research and replication of
To register for the TAUKADIAL Challenge and gain access to the
TAUKADIAL dataset, please email
with your contact information and affiliation. Full access to the
dataset will be provided
through DementiaBank
membership. To become a member, please include in your email to a general statement of how you plan to use the
data, with a specific mention to the TAUKADIAL Challenge. If you are a
student, please ask your supervisor to join DementiaBank as well.
The TAUKADIAL challenge encompasses the following tasks:
- a classification task, where participants will create models to distinguish
healthy control speech from MCI speech, and
- a cognitive test score prediction (regression) task, where you
create a model to infer the subject's Mini Mental Status Examination
(MMSE) or Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores based on
connected (spontaneous) speech data;
You may choose to do one or both of these tasks. You will be provided
with access to a training set (see relevant section below), and
two weeks prior to the paper submission deadline you will be provided
with test sets on which you can test your models.
You may send up to five sets of results to us for scoring for each
task. You are required to submit all your attempts together, in
separate files named: taukadial_results_task1_attempt1.txt,
taukadial_results_task2_attemp1.txt (or one of these, should you choose
not to enter both tasks). These must contain the IDs of the test
files and your model's predictions. You will be provided with README
files in the test sets archives with further details.
The test sets will contain files with further details.
As the broad scientific goal of TAUKADIAL is to gain insight into
the nature of the relationship between speech and cognitive function
across different languages, we encourage you to upload a paper
describing your approaches and results to a pre-print repository
such as arXiv
or medRxiv, and to submit
your paper to INTERSPEECH, regardless of your position in the
rank. Note, however, that for INTERSPEECH submissions, "online
posting of any version* of the paper under submission is forbidden
during an anonymity period starting one month prior to the
Interspeech submission deadline and up to the moment the
accept/reject decisions are announced" . So, any submissions to
pre-print repositories should comply with this policy.
We also encourage you to share your code through a publicly
accessible repository, if possible using a literate programming
"notebook" environment such
as R Markdown
or Jupyter Notebook.
The training data set consists of spontaneous speech samples
corresponding to audio recordings of picture descriptions produced by
cognitively normal subjects and patients with MCI. The participants
are speakers of English or Chinese. The test set consists of speech
descriptions by different participants in one of these two languages.
The data set has been balanced with respect to age and sex in order
to eliminate potential confunding and bias. We employed a propensity
score approach to matching (Rosenbaum & Rubin,
1983; Rubin 1973; Ho et al. 2007).
It contains both Chinese and English audio files with recordings of
picture descriptions. There are 3 picture descriptions per
participant. The file names are in the following
taukdial-MMM-N.wav, where
MMM is a random
integer, and N is an
integer between 1 and 3 (inclusive) indicating the picture description
contained in the recording. Note that the three pictured used in the English
descriptions are different from the three pictures described by the
Chinese speakers.
Please email to get access to the training set,
as described above.
The test data
are now
available at DementiaBank (you will need your login details to
download it). Please
for instructions on how to submit your model's predictions.
The ground
truth for test data is also available.
As the goal of the TAUKADIAL Challenge is to explore models that
generalise across languages, we encourage participants to develop
models encompassing features extracted from both
languages. A possible architecture for a classification or regression
system for this challenge could be as shown below,
where comparable features
extracted from both languages are combined into a single predictive
Task 1: MCI classification will be evaluated through
specificity (\(\sigma\)), sensitivity (\(\rho\)) and \(F_1\) scores for the
MCI category. These metrics will be computed as follows:
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma} = { \frac { TN }{TN + FP} }, \]
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {F_1} = { \frac { 2 \pi \rho
}{\pi + \rho} } \]
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {\pi} = { \frac { TP }{TP + FP} }, \]
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {\rho} = { \frac { TP }{TP + FN} }, \]
N is the number of patients, TP is the number of true
positives, TN is the number of true negatives, FP is the number of
false positives and FN the number of false negatives.
The balanced accuracy metric (unweighted average recall, UAR) will be
used for the overall ranking of this task's results:
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {UAR} = {\frac { \sigma + \rho }{2} } \]
Task 2 (MMSE prediction) will be evaluated using the
coefficient of determination:
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {R^2} =1 -
\frac {\sum_{i=1}^N(\hat{y}_{i} - y_{i})^2}
{\sum_{i=1}^N(\hat{y}_{i} - \bar{y})^2} \]
and the root mean squared error:
\[ \displaystyle \operatorname {RMSE} ={\sqrt {\frac {\sum _{i=1}^{N}({\hat {y}}_{i}-y_{i})^{2}}{N}}} \]
where \(\hat{y}\) is the predicted MMSE score, \(y\) is the patient's
actual MMSE score, and \(\bar{y}\) is the mean score.
When more than one attempt is submitted for scoring against the test
set, all results should be considered (not only the best result
overall) and reported in the paper.
The ranking of submissions will be done based on accuracy scores
for the classification task (task 1), and on RMSE scores for the
MMSE score regression task (task 2).
A paper describing the TAUKADIAL Grand Challenge and its dataset more
fully, along with a basic set of baseline results will be shared with
the registered TAUKADIAL Challenge participants, and eventually
submitted to INTERSPEECH. Papers submitted to this Challenge using the
TAUKADIAL dataset should cite this paper as follows
- Luz S, Garcia SdLF, Haider F, Fromm D, MacWhinney B, Lanzi, A, Chang, YN,
Chou CJ and Liu YC. Connected Speech-Based Cognitive Assessment in
Chinese and English
. Proceedings of Interspeech, pp 947--951, Kos,
Greece, 2024. (Paper available at
Archive and
We encourage you to submit papers describing your approaches to the
tasks set here to,
after the INTERSPEECH anonymity period, and to share your code
through open-source repositories. Please note that the intellectual
property (IP) related to your submission is not transferred to the
challenge organizers, i.e., if code is shared/submitted, the
participants remain the owners of their code. When the code is made
publicly available, an appropriate license should be added.
- 25th January: TAUKADIAL Challenge announced; Call for Participation
- 20th February: registration deadline; please email to
register for the challenge and receive the training and sample sets.
- 1 March: deadline for submission of results
Paper Submission Deadline: 2 March 2024
- INTERSPEECH paper update deadline: 11 March 2024
- INTERSPEECH paper acceptance notification: 6 June 2024.
- TAUKADIAL Session at INTERSPEECH: TBD (between 2 and 7
September 2024)
dates on the INTERSPEECH: 2024 website.
for Papers and
Author resources
at the INTERSPEECH 2024 web site for instructions.
- de la Fuente Garcia S, Ritchie C, Luz S. Artificial
Intelligence, Speech, and Language Processing Approaches to
Monitoring Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review. Journal of
Alzheimer's Disease. 2020:1-27. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-200888
Luz S, Haider F, Fromm D, MacWhinney B, (eds.). Alzheimer’s Dementia
Recognition Through Spontaneous Speech. Lausanne, Switzerland:
Frontiers Media S.A., 2021. 258 p. DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88971-854-2
Rosenbaum PR, Rubin DB. 1983. The Central Role of
the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects.
Biometrika 70 (1): 41–55. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/70.1.41
- Rubin DB 1973. Matching to Remove Bias in Observational
Studies. Biometrics 29 (1): 159. DOI: 10.2307/2529684.
- Ho DE, Kosuke I, King G, Stuart EA. 2007. Matching as Nonparametric Preprocessing for Reducing
Model Dependence in Parametric Causal Inference. Political Analysis
15 (3): 199–236.
Saturnino Luz
is Professor of Digital Biomarkers and Precision Medicine at the Usher
Institute, University of Edinburgh's Medical School. He works in
medical informatics, devising and applying machine learning, signal
processing and natural language processing methods in the study of
behaviour and communication in healthcare contexts. His main research
interest is the computational modelling of behavioural and biological
changes caused by neurodegenerative diseases, with focus on the
analysis of vocal and linguistic signals in Alzheimers's disease.
Sofia de la Fuente Garcia is a Teaching Fellow in Clinical
Psychology at the School of Health in Social Science, University of
Edinburgh. She completed a PhD in Precision Medicine in 2020, which
was an exploratory study of psycholinguistics, paralinguistics and
acoustic features that may help predict dementia onset later in life,
in the same institution. She continues to investigate speech
technology for monitoring progression in the context of
neurodegenerative diseases.
Fasih Haider is a
Research Associate in Machine Learning at the
School of
Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK. His areas of interest
are Social Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence.
Before joining the Usher Institute, he was a Research Engineer at the ADAPT
Centre where he worked on methods of Social Signal Processing for video
intelligence. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland. Currently, he is investigating the use of
social signal processing and machine learning for monitoring cognitive
Alyzza Lanzi is a
Assistant Professor
Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of Delaware, USA. Dr. Lanzi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Delaware. Her research aims to develop and investigate evidence-based cognitive treatments that promote independence for adults with geriatric neurodegenerative conditions.
Fromm is a Research Faculty member in
the Psychology Department at Carnegie Mellon
University. Her research interests have focused on aphasia,
dementia, and apraxia of speech in adults. Since 2007, she has
been working on the TalkBank project, developing large shared
databases of multi-media interactions for the study of
discourse in a variety of neurogenic communication disorders.
The databases include resources for educational, clinical, and
research applications.
Brian MacWhinney is Teresa Heinz Professor
of Psychology, Computational Linguistics,and Modern Languages
at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. in
psycholinguistics in 1974 from the University of California at
Berkeley. With Elizabeth Bates, he developed a model of first
and second language processing and acquisition based on
competition between item-based patterns. In 1984, he and
Catherine Snow co-founded the CHILDES (Child Language Data
Exchange System) Project for the computational study of child
language transcript data. This system has extended to 13
additional research areas such aphasiology, second language
learning, TBI, Conversation Analysis, developmental disfluency
and others in the shape of the TalkBank Project. MacWhinney's
recent work includes studies of online learning of second
language vocabulary and grammar, situationally embedded second
language learning, neural network modeling of lexical
development, fMRI studies of children with focal brain lesions,
and ERP studies of between-language competition. He is also
exploring the role of grammatical constructions in the marking
of perspective shifting, the determination of linguistic forms
across contrasting time frames, and the construction of mental
models in scientific reasoning. Recent edited books include The
Handbook of Language Emergence (Wiley) and Competing Motivations
in Grammar and Usage (Oxford).
Chia-Ju Chou is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the
Department of Neurology at Cardinal-Tien Hospital, Taiwan. Her
research focuses on investigating reading comprehension in individuals
with mild cognitive impairment and aphasia using ERP, fMRI and eye
tracking. She applies these techniques to improve clinical diagnosis
and rehabilitation assessment. Her current work focuses on collecting
and analysing speech samples from various tasks to identify linguistic
features that may indicate cognitive decline.
Ya-Ning Chang is an Assistant Professor at the Miin Wu
School of Computing, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. She
obtained her PhD in Psychology at the University of Manchester, UK. Dr
Chang's primary research interest lies in the broad fields of
artificial intelligence and cognitive science. Her work involves using
a combined approach of computational modelling, behavioural studies,
neuroimaging techniques, and corpus analysis to investigate various
aspects of language processing and semantic cognition, and how
cognitive processes are related to education, learning, and
memory. She has applied computational modelling to language processing
in different populations including children, adults, and patients
suffering from language impairment (e.g., aphasia). Her recent work
focuses on bringing together natural language processing and the
application of developing various cognitive measures to support
human-like communication in conversational agents and a real-life
diagnosis of language disorders.
Yi-Chien Liu is a
clinical neurologist from Taipei, Taiwan. Currently, he is
director of the Neurology Department at Cardinal Tien
Hospital. He holds a Ph.D. in Geriatric Cognitive Neuroscience
from Tohoku University, Japan. His primary research areas
encompass Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment,
primary progressive aphasia, and various other neurodegenerative
disorders affecting the elderly. Currently, he is spearheading a
research project centered around a memory clinic-based AD
(Alzheimer's Disease) continuum cohort.